Auto execute command
เทพารักษ์ จุฑาสมานภาพ
Rohan Phadte
This is available with Cascade Auto Run Commands in Windsurf 1.1.0! You can get more information on how to use it in Windsurf Docs!
We definitely need this! I understand that code execution can harm the system. So, maybe add the option as opt-in and warn the user upon turning on the option. Just like others said, maybe we can start allowing code execution only when it's running the test
김성우You could essentially define either a pattern or command that can execute automatically. That would give you a flexibility on which commands you want to auto execute.
Adam Howley
I agree! I would love it to just run tests automatically. After a large feature has been added it just runs tests to ensure the code is still passing.
Adam Howley From the way I see this should then go hand in hand with rules definitions. For instance define that after all modifications run tests or do something else. Once AI wants to execute an actual command this particular feature request would allow automated execution of said command without asking permission from user. But yes that is the general idea.