cascade isn;t working any more. `ErrorServer encountered error of type: resource_exhausted. Please try again later.`
in progress
My solution was to fallback to Cursor. You need to work with multiple tools in parallel.
Alex Karales
Erroran internal error occurred (error ID: 4b28c17380524d419e9e30372762ad69)
having the same problem. It may work for the first few requests, but then it suddenly starts giving me the error saying it couldnt make the changes.
Edge Glass
I am facing the same problem
Edge Glass
I am facing the same problem
Facing same issue, with my Team's plan too
struja iracž
Biggest issue windsurf has is that claude is actually retarded and is consistently changing code that doesn't need to be changed. "accidentally" removing critical code. No where need enough credits for this many errors in the coding.
Joshua French
struja iracž this is due to your context filling
Cascade > The tools (write_to_file and edit_file) are not working correctly
DOS commands can see and modify files, but the windsurf can't
The cascade keep saying files exist when they don't
Looking at the tool descriptions:
write_to_file: "NEVER use this tool to modify or overwrite existing files. Always first confirm that TargetFile does not exist before calling this tool."
edit_file: "Use this tool to edit an existing file."
The core issue seems to be:
The cascade are getting confused about file existence
They think files exist when DOS shows they don't
This suggests a caching or file system synchronization issue
I keep getting the error still for the last few days, ever since I went Pro. Now today, it is just stopping with no errors. i was concerned because of the issues, that I had used up my credits, but I still have some. I am not sure what is going on.
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