Feature Request: "Lock File" Functionality
Sherman Lye
I would like to request a "lock" file feature where "Cascade" can only reference a locked file but is restricted from modifying it. This feature would be highly beneficial for developers, as we occasionally encounter situations where a previously functional file stops working correctly after "Cascade" applies a solution, often due to unintended edits to the wrong file. Implementing this feature would help prevent such issues and ensure better control over file integrity.
Rohan Phadte
This can now be accomplished through Windsurf Memories (via Rules). Now available in the latest Windsurf 1.1.0!
Pierre-Olivier de Carvalho
Rohan Phadte could you please be more specific? is putting a rule in "global rule"like look at lock_file.md and don't edit file when listed there... etc is the right way to do it? (seems working but glad to get the best practice) ... thanks for the explanation.
Michael Wills
This is like aider's read-only list of files. This would be good. I saw this one first but see a similar request at https://codeium.canny.io/feature-requests/p/mark-some-code-as-do-not-modify