Rohan Phadte
@docs is now available in Windsurf v1.2.1! See the latest in the changelog here: :)
Jan-Willem R
Rohan Phadte How to add new doc like Supabase? See in screenshot from Cursor.
Tarık Tütüncü
Rohan Phadte It would be great if we could add our own internal docs like Cursor does.
Tubua Shu
Here to make this post I see this as very important along with web search
Example I asked cascade what is the latest next js it said 14 I asked react it said 18 and it was unable to figure out they was a latest vertion if we can have docs and webs search cascade will be the best
Tarık Tütüncü
This is a must!
Yassin Hendawy
+millions, was just here to submit this request.
Chris Stanchak
+1 on this. Need this to work. I miss this feature of Cursor. I'm sure you guys can do it better. Let's go!
Tubua Shu
Chris Stanchak +1 docs and web search will be awesome let's get this team codium
I am actually thinking about canceling Windsurf and go back to Cursor as wrong recommendations come up for Pydantic AI, because it doesn't know the docs and just guesses something that doesn't work. I think wrong AI suggestions are even worse than no AI suggestions...
Yassin Hendawy
Raimund was just having same thought...
Nicolò Benigni
This is a must. Cursor implementation is good, but I am wondering if using a more "agentic" (what a a time to be alive...) approach would take it ever further, avoiding hallucinations by fact-checking after the first RAG answer.
Aleksandr Vasilenko
This is a must-have feature as currently Claude is completely unaware of the latest Svelte 5 syntax and outputs outdated and deprecated code. With Cursor I added Svelte 5 docs to the index and it used its context perfectly, as well as docs for some small libraries and components.
Kolahn Garcia
Aleksandr Vasilenko so true I need this as I develop with Svelte and want to use version 5 and even after feeding it the doc URL, it still struggles.
Alex Schick
Also with less commonly known frameworks or languages this would help to have access to the local or online documentation
As of today, this is the feature that I miss most when switching from Cursor to Windsurf.
Cursor's @docs make life much easier to index all documents from a website with one click. It's the easiest-to-use RAG (retrieval-augmented generation) I ever see across many code agents.
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