Make Cascade remember its prompts
Andre Roussakoff
It is important that Cascade remembers its instructions in one go. My experience with it working with unit tests with Tanstack Query 5 is that no matter how many times I keep telling it to use only RQ5 (he understands that as Tanstack React Query v5), it gives me snippets from RQ4. I have even asked it why it keeps forgetting. The answer was that it was primarily trained with RQ4. I ended up reminding about RQ5 in every question. This worked better but still I got sometimes to see RQ4 constructions like
. Then I would say, suspense
is no RQ5, and it would fix it with apologies only to forget about RQ5 in the next round.Nevertheless, I find Cascade amazingly good. It helped me to create over 400 unit tests in just three weeks' time parallel to my regular development work.
Rohan Phadte
This can now be accomplished through Windsurf Memories (via Rules). Now available in the latest Windsurf 1.1.0!
Andre Roussakoff
Hi Rohan, yes I noticed the notification in Windsurf. I have directly filled in the rules. Also for RQ5. But then I saw two things happening:
- Cascade still gave me from time to time advice from RQ4. Even worse, it would tell me that certain RQ5 props were not correct in RQ5 and would replace them with RQ4 props stating that those were the correct RQ5 props. Very annoying. Of course, I know my way around it but as a feedback for you it may be important to realise that it not yet water-proof
- If I asked Cascade whether it was aware of the global rules, it would say yes every time and even cite a couple of them. So, that one bit seems to be working well.
Rohan Phadtewhere do i access those memories or rules? cant find it
Andre Roussakoff It is an issue with the LLM, even if you give instructions it might sometimes "forget" it, I don't think there is much more to be done here
Andre Roussakoff
There is a link
Windsurf Settings
on the bottom bar on the right. If you click it, it opens a menu with rulesA
Andre Roussakoff
shadokan87 Good to know. It is a nuisance but a minor one. The advantages of using Claude 3.5 Sonnet are a thousand times larger.