Train the models with my documentation
Wayne Lundall
Quick fix- Create a Database. ask cascade to do a sql inection into it yo can keep all rules , plans ,log and even code, functions in there- then simply in the rules state. "Databse XXX.db should be read, and updated and indexed . all code and should be kept and maintaind within the data Base . inculde all insight logic and workflow. after any changes the dabase must be indexed and updated. Keep a check list, documentation, metadata, progress,for each function. the check list will remain as a form of tracking.. Its a game changer. code is no longer in files , and the ai can query the db check each function, test and validate each aspect as u build your app, t keeps track of bugs , and fixes , you can also include error logs , and repeating mistakes. .
Gustavo Kuster
Wayne Lundall Very nice idea! I am going to do this for sure!! Do you have any suggestion on the db to use?
Wayne Lundall
Gustavo Kuster .sql lite
wokks fo me
Mathieu Wauters
Have you had a chance to try windsurfrules? Not the same as a pdf upload, but close to it. Save your logic and rules in a text file, save it as no name and just extension .windsurfrules and that makes a big difference.
Cristian Ghezzi
Yes, and the docs should be digested once and reused in all projects, like a sort of global memory