When Cascade finishes its task, it should give a sound feedback.
Hugues Pichereau
Yes, and also a sound when Cascade ask to Accept a "run action". Because it can take a long time to appear, when using a "Thinking" model.
Hard Anger
Definitely needed. This would increase productivity more than any model improvement could.
Chris Sanford
I tab-out of Windsurf when I make a complex request. If cascade played a sound when it finished, or otherwise got my attention, then I would get more work done and spend more credits!
Patrick Steil
Or a system notification would be even better, but an optional chime would be great also.
Patrick Huntington
This would be a great feature. With the ability to enable/disable, and the ability to only use the sound if Windsurf is not the currently focused window. If you're in active development or have short cascades it won't get annoying, but if you have time to multitask while a cascade runs it can notify when it's done or needs you to approve a command.
Pedro José Piquero Plaza
Actually, I prefer it without a sound :)