Windsurf - Focus Follows Mouse (as a configuration option)

There is an open GitHub PR for VSCode which is, on the surface, more than 4 years old, however it is way older than that. I know you guys have had to be mucking around in the code and probably know VSCode really well by now.
Would it be for you guys to make this small fix/update to Windsurf, since it is a clone of VSCode? It would really be nice of we had Focus Follows Mouse in the IDE, it would vastly improve my workflow and lower my "accident" rate. Unix/Linux and lots of macOS users would love it if you could have focus follow mouse between panels. Moving between edit panes, explorer, terminal, and Cascade would be able to go so much smoother if I didn't have to click inside every panel.
Here's a link to the PR, I know it may not be in your domain to do this, but you would be heroes, there would be a National Holiday for you, and more I'm sure... How hard could it be, you already capture mouse hover events, it's really not AI/Codeium related, but it sure would improve the UX tremendously for Windsurf, I even bet you could get a lot of VSCode refugees to convert with this feature.
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Sean Ahern
Tiny nit: That link is to an issue, not a PR. It would be great if this were already a PR, but alas that's not the case!